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my work presented at the

Showcase: Text


Wimbledon College of Arts

Showcase: Text



An imaginary exhibition named Vestige: Sculptures made with embroidery and concrete which represent family portrait. In the process, the photographs represented on the embroidery are officially transcribed and fixed through time and ‘History’. The Sound piece is a compilation of interviews from relatives to the subjects on the photograph. By confronting the two in the same space I questioned the idea of family representation and the memory attached to family archives.

The sound piece is a compilation of interviews from relatives to the subjects represented on the embroidery which are based on family photo archives. By questioning them about the photograph I wanted to question the place the of family photography in the family history. Most of the time the relatives did not remember much about the photographs themselves but mostly the setting or clothes that triggered a lot of other memories.

Showcase: Welcome
Showcase: Video

Sound Piece

Showcase: HTML Embed
Showcase: Selected Work
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